Static & frizzy hair

Static & frizzy hair

Static hair is created by positively charged particles that accumulate on the hair surface. The drier your hair and the drier the air, the more static your hair becomes. What can you do about this?


What causes static hair?

Static hair is created by positively charged particles that accumulate on the hair surface. The drier your hair and the drier the air, the more and faster these particles will accumulate. In winter, the air is very dry compared to other seasons. Your hair is also drier, just as your skin dries in winter. The positively charged particles begin to repel at some point, which is accompanied by raised hair and crackling. The drier the hair, the greater the chance of static hair. People with curls are therefore more likely to have frizzy hair, because these hair structures are naturally drier.


Moisturize your hair

Water, and especially hot water, greatly dries out your skin and hair. In winter, most of us are more likely to take warmer showers, leaving hair to dry out even more. Hair that is well hydrated naturally contains a lot of moisture, so that weather conditions have less grip on it. Dry hair is more likely to frizz for this reason.

Therefore, use a Shampoo, Hair Conditioner and Hair Mask to hydrate your hair sufficiently.


Protect your hair

  • In addition to regular care, styling products can also help to combat static hair. The most effective way to prevent frizz is when moisture cannot penetrate into your hair. You can do this by placing a protective layer around your hair with the help of a Hair Serum or Hair Cream.
  • Avoid styling products that contain alcohol, as this can dry out your hair even further and thus absorb more moisture from the air.
  • Never comb your hair when it is wet or damp. Wet hair is more flexible and therefore breaks faster than when hair is dry. And it is precisely damage to the hair that causes unwanted frizz.
  • Comb your hair with a wide toothed comb while showering with Hair Conditioner in it. This protective layer ensures that the hair is not damaged.
  • Limit the use of the hair dryer or straightener, even if you use hair products that protect your hair from the heat.


Don't have your hair razor-cut

Most hairs start to frizz over time if they are razor-cut at the hairdresser's. Cutting with a blade is often done by hairdressers at the front locks and when thinning. Razor-cutting damages the ends of the hair, causing the hair to frizz considerably after a while.


General tips

  • Avoid plastic combs and brushes. Plastic makes static hair even more static. Use brushes and combs made of bone or wood.
  • Synthetic clothing provides more cargo. So try to avoid fabrics like nylon and polyester and wear as many natural materials as possible such as cotton and wool.
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