Comedones - treatment advice

Comedones - treatment advice

A comedo (plural; comedones) is the medical name for small swellings and bumps on the skin that are caused by clogged pores (hair follicles). The pores can be completely or partially blocked.

The sebaceous glands are located under the skin. They provide hydration (moisture) so the skin and hair follicles do not dry out. They do this by making and separating fats (sebum). The sebaceous glands can be extra stimulated by circumstances (eg hormone fluctuations) to produce sebum. In the event of excessive production, the sebum accumulates with dirt, including dead skin cells and possibly also bacteria. The result of this accumulation is a small lump on the skin; a comedo.

The comedo can have a widened opening with a black head, the so-called blackhead. The black color is the result of the melanin pigment contained in the blackhead.

In other cases, the opening is narrowed, and the cup is white, or the whitehead. This shape is very similar to a grain of barley.

Prevent and treat blackheads

Most people experience the problem on the nose, but comedones can also occur in or behind the ears, on the back and on the forehead. Often the first blackheads occur during puberty as a characteristic of acne. Causes that can aggravate or stimulate the formation of blackheads:

  • Stress
  • Hormones
  • Psychological disorders
  • Hygiene problems
  • Unilateral diet
  • Heredity

How to treat blackheads with Authentic Dead Sea products

Comedones are therefore caused by a disturbed sebaceous gland function. You can normalize this again by providing the skin with sufficient minerals and trace elements on a daily basis. This helps your skin to remove waste from your body more quickly. The sebaceous glands are brought back to their normal condition in this way, thereby securing a normal amount of sebum. By re-creating a healthy skin environment, bacteria that cause inflammation will also disappear. With the discipline of a daily routine of a few minutes, you can make a big difference!

Morning routine

  • Carefully clean the skin with one of our Dead Sea Soaps, leave it on the skin for 2-3 minutes or give a gentle massage and rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Do you have little time? Soak a clean washcloth or cotton pads in Dead Sea lotion and pat it on the skin (leaving eyes free). Allow the salty water to air dry and then apply your day cream.
  • The Face Cream for oily skin is very suitable for the oily parts of the face where blackheads occur. You can use a different day cream for the drier parts of the face. The oil-free face cream can be used on the entire face with young skin.

Evening routine

  • Give your skin a deep cleansing with a Mud Mask 1-2 times a week, preferably in the evening. Clean your skin as described above, apply the mask (leave eyes and mouth free) and let it work for at least 20 minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water and apply your Face Cream.
  • Carefully remove your makeup every evening and then clean your face and neck in the same way as with the morning routine. Then apply your Night Cream.
  • With acne, inflammation can be touched in the evening with the Acne Lotion. You rinse this in the morning with lukewarm water.
  • If you want to remove blackheads yourself, always make sure that you thoroughly disinfect the skin and hands beforehand. The use of pore strips or comedone extractors can damage the skin and cause scars.

What you should not do

  • Aggressive cleaning

Too often cleaning with highly degreasing cleaners has a counterproductive effect on blackheads; in fact sebaceous glands become more active. On the internet you can read a lot about homemade remedies, from cleaning with lemon juice to scrubbing with oatmeal. In itself nice to read, but don't expect miracles.

  • Sunbathe

In the short term the sun and sunbed will dry out pimples, so a decrease in blackheads in the summer months can certainly occur. Unfortunately, the sun also provides a thicker layer of dead skin cells, causing sebum to accumulate.

  • Steaming / Sauna

Many people think that steaming is good for the skin and helps against blackheads. However, steam causes dead skin cells to swell and form a blockage for the pores.

  • Use products with paraffin

Many (sunscreen) creams, foundations and skin oils (eg Bio-oil) contain paraffin which stimulates the formation of blackheads and impurities.

  • Eat a lot of sugary products

The production of insulin is stimulated by a sugar peak. Insulin stimulates the production of androgens, which increases sebum production. Increased sebaceous gland production in turn causes an increase in blackheads. Single carbohydrates cause this rapid rise in blood glucose levels. Sugar-rich drinks, white bread and snacks (such as crisps) include simple carbohydrates.

  • Eat a lot of dairy

Research has shown that blackheads get worse when eating and drinking large quantities of milk products. Hormone-like substances in milk products appear to be the cause of this. Do you suffer a lot from blackheads and do you eat or drink a lot of dairy? It may be worthwhile to reduce or even avoid milk, yogurt, cheese and eggs for a while.

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