Is it hay fever?

Is it hay fever?

Not only sneezing, itchy eyes and a stuffy nose, but red, dry, flaky skin can also result from hay fever.

The start of spring also heralds the hay fever season: about 25% of the European population suffers from this.

Hay fever is an allergy in which someone is hypersensitive to pollen. The most common complaints that we immediately think of are sneezing, itchy and burning eyes and a stuffy nose. But at least as annoying can be the reaction to the skin: itching, a burning sensation, redness, dryness, flakes and rashes.

There is little point in applying the "may-not" culture and avoiding everything you can't stand. It is better to focus on strengthening the body through proper nutrition and care. It is striking how many people once had eczema, were treated with hormone cream for this and then got hay fever. Hormone cream as a pure symptom control that simply moves the ailment.

What can you do to relieve hay fever symptoms?

1. Boost your immune system from the inside out so that your body is more resistant to pollen allergens. Eat yourself healthy: Foods high in beta carotene, vitamin C, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, butterbur, ginkgo and chamomile are very effective in relieving hay fever symptoms. Try the natural way before taking anti-histamine medication and before submitting to the standard behavioral prohibitions.

2. Start your skincare routine with a gentle cleanse that leaves and cares for your skin's natural protective layer. Cleansing the skin is essential in preventing an allergic reaction.

3. Supplement your daily routine with the aloe vera gel. This provides immediate cooling in case of irritation and itching and soothes irritated skin.

4. Nourishing (facial) creams help restore the natural protective layer of your skin from the outside.

5. Protect your skin from UV radiation. The fragile skin is extra sensitive to burning and sun damage. Read more about sun protection.

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