Night Cream

Night Cream

A proper night cream combats premature aging, corrects skin problems, regulates sebum production and nourishes the skin.


Is it really necessary to use a Night Cream when I use a Day Cream every morning?

Yes. Day and Night creams have different functions. A Day Cream protects the skin from external influences while a Night Cream helps restore the skin. In other words, a Night Cream helps to repair the damage that the skin has suffered during the day.


What does a Night Cream do to my skin?

While you sleep your skin is actually hard at work regenerating itself. Between eleven o'clock in the evening and three o'clock in the morning, skin cells divide eight times faster. Toxins are removed, fats are made and the moisture balance is restored. In addition, the skin is also more receptive to active ingredients at night, because it is warmer and therefore the skin is able to  absorb substances better. During your sleep, your skin is therefore the most receptive to active ingredients, therefore a Night Cream contains higher concentrations of active ingredients than a Day Cream. As a result, a Night Cream is richer than a Day Cream. By using a Night Cream you support the recovery process of your skin. The ingredients in a Night Cream combat premature aging, correct skin problems, regulate sebum production and nourish your skin.


Never use a Night Cream (only) during the day 

Day creams contain an SPF to protect the skin against UV radiation. Never use a Night Cream as a Day Cream, because it offers insufficient protection. Do you have oily skin? Then you can use your Night Cream as a Day Cream, because it is not oily.


Always cleanse your skin before applying your Night Cream

It is very important that before you apply your Night Cream you cleanse your skin well with a mild product in order to remove all make-up remains, dirt and bacteria. This does not need to take a lot of time! When you make this a regular routine, you will soon notice that your skin benefits from this. Extra reason to take care of your skin in the evening: it is a relaxing moment and it reduces stress. Because that too is an important harmful factor in the aging process!

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