Collection: Mature skin

From the age of 25, skin cell division starts to slow down and the first signs of skin ageing become visible, often in the form of fine lines around the eyes. As we get older, cell division slows down further and further, so the skin takes more and more time to recover. The skin also produces less sebum and slows down blood flow and cell activity. This reduces the skin's ability to retain moisture and eliminate waste products.

Especially after menopause, this process is accelerated because of the decrease in the hormone oestrogen. The amount of collagen in the skin then decreases by 30% over a period of about five years.

So when the skin becomes drier and thinner and develops more wrinkles, you can speak of mature skin. There is no fixed age indication for this, as the age at which ageing occurs can vary greatly from person to person. Skin condition, lifestyle and skin care all influence this